AK Election 2024
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Uni-Special #2
Dear colleagues,
In a few days, further information from the election organization team of the University of Vienna will go out to the staff.
We therefore also want to raise awareness via our channel.
Attention! The election card will be sent to your home by post in the week after Easter and you can vote by postal vote immediately after receiving it.
You can find out how to do this here: www.youtube.com/watch
Who to vote for?
The following candidates for the University of Vienna from the BRAUP have been announced:
For the FSG parliamentary group (List 1): Colleague Wolfgang Nowak
For the parliamentary group GEMEINSAM AUGE/UG (List 4): Colleague Marion Polaschek
All campaigning groups and the lists of candidates can be found here: https://wien.arbeiterkammer.at/ueberuns/wahl/Wen-kann-ich-waehlen.html
Voting in person will also be possible in the election period from April 10 to 23, 2024. An official photo ID is sufficient for this. A personal polling card is not necessary.
There will be public polling stations at the University of Vienna, as well as at other locations in Vienna: Where can I vote? | Vienna Chamber of Labor
Go and vote!
The most important thing in any case is voter turnout! This is the only way we can strengthen our workers' parliament together!
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the AK election office directly:
- Send e-mail: akwahl@akwien.at
- Phone: +43 1 501 570 (from 7:30 to 17:30)
- Web wien.arbeiterkammer.at/wahl
With best regards
The works council
Uni-Special #1
Dear colleagues,
The Chamber of Labor election 2024 for Vienna is getting closer!
As a works council, we are in close contact with the AK election office and will provide information via our BR INFO until the election.
Election date for the AK Vienna election
Election period April 10 to April 23, 2024. Detailed information on the polling stations at the University of Vienna will be announced.
Number of mandataries (representing our concerns)
180 chamber councillors from a wide range of political groups are to be elected to the General Assembly of the Vienna Chamber of Labor.
In the last election, Marion Polaschek was elected to the Workers' Parliament for the University of Vienna, where she represents the concerns of university employees in political discussions. Specifically, these included motions on the chain contract rule, better funding in the education sector, the expansion of co-determination rights in the workplace and also contributions to discussions on socially responsible climate protection and, last but not least, the reduction of the gender pay gap and effective prevention of violence in the workplace.
Eligibility to vote and chamber membership
All employees who are members of the Chamber in Vienna on the cut-off date 3.1.2024 are entitled to vote, regardless of their nationality.
Election proposals
A list of all groups running in the 2024 AK elections in Vienna can be found here.
Voters' list
The voters' list will be published in the period from March 4-9, 2024.
In principle, all members of AK Vienna can cast their vote in the AK election in Vienna - regardless of their citizenship and regardless of where they live.
The AK will inform all eligible voters by post in good time!
All details can be found here!
Please pay attention to all AK mailings and do not hesitate to contact the AK election office directly if you have any questions:
AK Vienna, Election Office
Technical and commercial evening school
Plößlgasse 13, 2nd floor, 1040 Vienna
- Send e-mail: akwahl@akwien.at
- Phone:+43 1 501 570(from 7:30 to 17:30)
- Fax:+43 1 501 57 13800
- Website:wien.arbeiterkammer.at/wahl
With best regards
The works council